Adult Strabismus

Strabismus, commonly known as being cross-eyed, is a disorder characterized by misaligned eyes. One eye looks in one direction while the other looks elsewhere. Those who suffer from strabismus may have double vision, trouble coordinating eye movements and poor depth perception. They may also be embarrassed by their appearance and avoid looking others in the eye.

  • Strabismus Causes and Treatment

    In order for your eyes to focus normally, six muscles around each eye must work together. When your two eyes see different images, your brain tends to favor the stronger eye. This means the weak eye gets weaker, resulting in amblyopia, or “lazy eye.” Risk factors for developing strabismus may include

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Dr. David J Casper and Associates Optometrists


151 Springfield Avenue,
Joliet, IL 60435

Dwight Vision Care Center


110 E. Main St.,
Dwight, IL ‎

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